“Navigating with knowledge. Guiding with experience. Solving with confidence.”

elder consulting

No individual can stand alone when facing the immense responsibility of aiding an aging loved one.  Over the past 40 years, I have worked with elders living in their homes, assisted living, long term care facilities, rehabilitation centers and retirement communities.  I have observed the physical and mental decline of elders, so I know firsthand the many challenges that are so commonly experienced. Having assessed hundreds of elders, I have become an expert in understanding the needs, gaps and the team required to bring safety, support, and strategies to those in need.  Often, implementing a few small changes, or bringing in additional support, can improve their well-being, and most importantly, improve the safety where they currently reside. At times, others could be in crisis, the family becomes overwhelmed, and therefore a more comprehensive approach is necessary.  Strategies and Solutions for Elders is not a home care agency, but rather an organization that provides a comprehensive plan for care that brings support to both the elder and family.  When you connect with us, you will never stand alone in the challenging process of caring for the elder you love and/or support. 


Coaching through COVID-19

Managing elder care can be challenging. Managing your loved one who is elderly during COVID-19 can not only be challenging, but difficult and at times frightening.  This vulnerable population has been hardest hit during this pandemic. Good guidance is paramount to improving isolation, navigating ER visits, hospitalizations, rehabilitation, and surgeries. To manage sometimes just the basic needs of good hydration, nutrition and exercise can fall short and requires good planning. 

For the past 40 years I have worked with elders not only to improve their daily living, but to help guide and support them through difficult times.  I have worked with elders living in their homes, assisted livings, nursing homes, and have supported so many through ER visits and hospitalizations.  I feel confident in sharing best practices in navigating a system that can be very daunting and know that knowledge is an important tool during COVID-19.  Providing strategies and solutions for elders has been my goal for decades, and there is no better time to call on these years of experience to keep your loved one safe and bring the valuable support you might need and deserve as a caregiver.

PlanĀ forĀ Care Consulting

Partner with family or Guardian to assist in navigating the unique needs of their elder.  Because of our extensive experience in managing the care of elders, we have the skills and know-how to confidently assess their needs, the decline, the gaps, and to offer a vast array of resources for the elder and their families. Often, just a few changes to their plan for care can make a big difference.

Navigating Long Term Care Policies

Long Term Care policies often go unused or are not accessed in time to deliver their greatest potential.  We have navigated this process numerous times and welcome the opportunity to help those access the funds needed for care.

Staff Training & In Service

As co-owner and founder of a premier home care agency for twenty years, we were able to grow a work force from two to over 100 employees. Caregivers became employees and stayed working with our company for years, a fact attributable not only to understanding and respecting each other, but also working alongside each employee and demanding the best from each other, as we cared for our elder clients. We have a true understanding of staff performance, and recognize it is the backbone of every successful company. Implementing strategies to improve staff performance is a necessary commitment, and our company is prepared to help yours.

Contact us today to schedule your free 15-minute consultation for more information on how we can help.